
Showing posts from 2010

Christmas Cheer By Lucy Bandas

                                              Dear Reader, C hristmas is already here!So have some C hristmas cheer! We Wish You And All A Merry C hristmas And Happy New Year ! May God Bless You For The Rest Of Your Life!Brothers and Sisters we are gonna listen to something Glory!  Make Sure you listen to the version of the story! Their was a lady named Mary and a man named Joseph. They were looking for a place to stay they asked the man "Do you have any rooms left" Said Joseph.The man said "No" with anger.They went to this other place they asked "Do you have any rooms left"Said Joseph."No, But I have a dry and warm place for you" Said the man. After that  these men saw the biggest and the brightest "Star".They were called "The Three Kings". Finally Mary had her baby "He will be named Jesus The King of Kings and he will be our Savior said Mary!  Thank You for listening to our  " C hristmas Message"!    From:

Why should the Church invest in social media

       Social Media and Networks , like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter etc.., have a big "gee-whiz" factor. People are telling if the church don't get connected to this new media that its going to get left behind and miss out. But there has got to be a more compelling reason for a church, ministry to sign on to these social media applications than "everybody else is doing it." The questions we have to ask concerning organization is, "Why get on board and get involved with Social Media?" or How does social media improve the quality of ministry and help move the church's objectives forward? I believe the Goals and Objectives for Social Media are : 1. Communication 2. Connecting 3. Call to Action Let me break these down: 1. Communication - Social Media must help the church effectively and efficiently communicate it's message. Certainly Social Media isn't the only medium. A church can communicate to it's people on the Sunday mor

What Do You Want From Life?

m ore people have access to education today than ever before. but the modern educational experince is not preparing us adequately to attend the rich banguet of life. certainly the young people of today have mastered the use of technology and are capable of solving complex scientific and mathematical problems, but who and what do these serive if they cannot think for themselves?if they have no undertanding of the meaning and purpose of thier own lives? if they do not know who they are as individuals? if you don't know what you want from life, everythng will appear either as an obstacle or as a burden. but one of the great lessons of history is that the whole gets out of the way for people who know what they want or where they are going. be assured, if you don't know where you are going, you are lost. don't say, "Iam too old". Don't say, "I'm too young. Tiger Woods was three years old when he shot 48 for nine holes on his hometown golf course in Cyp

First Sunday of Advent

Have you   ever met a person who just lives for the present moment? He or she does not worry about anything.   He/she does not worry about the future. This person says “ who cares about tomorrow, just live for today. Nothing else really matters. ” You might say this person isn’t a very responsible person. Yes, a person who doesn’t anticipate anything about their future is an irresponsible person. Today, on the first Sunday of advent, Jesus is calling us to a great of responsibility- responsibility for advent. The word advent means arrival or approach. During these four weeks of advent we are happily awaiting the approach of Jesus into our lives. The second arrival, that we celebrate is the happy expectation of child Jesus from the womb of His Mother. For us it is the four weeks before Christmas. For most people, advent means Christmas shopping and Christmas parties. For us, advent is a quite, silent waiting, a time of special prayer. Advent is a time for confession, a time of reconcili

Christ the King

Thirty third Suday of the Year Feast of Christ the King November 21, 2010 2 Samuel 5:1-3; Colossians 1:12-20; Luke 23:35-43 On the last Sunday of the liturgical year the church celebrates the Feast of Christ the King. This feast was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 and is observed on this Sunday as it helps us to meditate on Christ the King and Lord and at the same time reflect on the Second and Final Coming of Christ, the last Judgment, and the end of the world. There are two highly contrasting pictures of Jesus as King given in the readings today. There is the highly triumphant picture give in the Second Reading from the letter to the Colossians. Jesus is the image of the unseen God and the first-born of all creation, for in him were created all things. God wanted all perfection to be found in him, and all things to be reconciled through him when he made peace by his death on the cross. He has prepared all for the everlasting kingdom of happiness. Here Paul thanks the Father

تاريخ الاتصالات فى السودان

بدأت الاتصالات في السودان منذ عام 1859م وكانت هذه البداية باتصالات سلكية بمدينة سواكن الواقعة على شاطئ البحر الأحمر في حدود السودان الشرقية حيث أن مدينة سواكن كانت آنذاك ذات أهمية تجارية وميناء للبلاد. ولقد لعبت الصدفة دوراً في دخول الاتصالات وذلك عندما انشأت بريطانيا خطاً لربطها بمستعمراتها في شمال وشرق افريقيا انتهاءً بالهند، حيث بدأ الكيبل البحري من بريطانيا ماراً بجبل طارق بشمال افريقيا ـ والاسكندرية ميناء مصر على البحر الأبيض المتوسط مروراً بقناة السويس على البحر الأحمر بالبحر الأبيض المتوسط ثم سواكن ميناء السودان على البحر الأحمر، ثم إلى الهند ثم اسطنبول بتركيا. في عام 1866م تم مد خط تلغراف لربط مصر والسودان مروراً بوادي حلفا ـ دنقلا، حيث وصل الخط التلغرافي إلى الخرطوم بحري في عام 1870م ثم إلى الخرطوم عبر كيبل نهري عبر النيل الأزرق. وفي عام 1871م تم مد خط من مدينة سواكن في الشرق إلى مدينة كسلا، وبدأت خطوط التلغراف في الانتشار شرقاً وغرباً في عهد اسماعيل باشا (1873م) حيث وصلت مدينة الأبيض في ولاية كردفان عام 1874م وإلى مدينة فوجا غرباً وبالتحديد بدارفور عام 1875م. وفي خضم هذا

Strength in Prayer

Life in Sudan after the 2005 CPA – comprehensives peace agreement   is all about action. Places to go, people to see, things to do. So how, in the midst of it all, do we do more than find time for God, but actually make time for God? How do we not just leave time for prayer, but make prayer our first priority each and every day? When we are saying other things in life are more valuable than prayer. I think that attitude is rooted in Sudanese tendency to value activity over the interior life. By our nature tend to gravitate toward external actions. We are all about doing and less about being, and prayer is very much about being. It’s about being with someone   - the Lord. Our lives are measured in time. So when we give someone our time, we are giving them part of our lives. And that gift is what we were made for . God wants   to give his divine life to us, and he wants us to give ourselves back to him. If we are going to do that in eternity, in heaven, we need to get used to doing that

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

 Dr. Robert Edwards  B ritish medical expert Robert Edwards has just won the Nobel Prize for medicine of 2010 for his pioneering of in vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques since the 1950s. Eighty-five-year-old Edwards, is largely responsible for the invention of extra-womb fertilization, where a human egg is implanted with sperm in the laboratory, before being implanted in the uterine lining where it would have naturally settled during normal fertilization. The invention earned the nickname "test tube babies”.   T here are about four million test-tube babies born since the first -Louise Brown in July 1978- Edwards initial research, the technique has been polished and perfected and now has almost the same success rate--20%--as fertile couples enjoy.                                    T he pro-life groups react to the awarding of the Nobel prize for dedicine to Robert Edwards on the grounds that the technique is an abuse of scientific knowledge and has caused abuse an

Dating System

D ating is a form of courtship, and may include any social activity undertaken by, typically, two persons with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse. The word refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity. Traditional dating activities include entertainment or a meal. In many cultural traditions, a date may be arranged by a third party, who may be a family member, acquaintance, or professional matchmaker. Internet dating has become popular in recent times. D ating system is any systematic means of improving matchmaking via rules or technology. The history of dating systems is closely tied to the history of technologies that support them.  In this article I'm concerned with actual 'systems' that do more than simple introductions, and where interactions are often strongly structured, down to the details: "Computer dating" systems of later 20th century,

Places I visited in Connecticut

Gillette castle is located on a bluff overlooking the Connecticut River. The three-story structure was the home of director, actor, and playwright, William Gillette, who completed the castle in 1919. The castle is one of Connecticut's leading attractions. The castle was purchased in 1944 by the state and since then, it has been maintained as a state park.        Foxwoods Resort Casino is a hotel - casino in Mashantucket, Connecticut , United States. Together with the MGM Grand at Foxwoods, it is one of the largest casinos in the world in terms of floor space for gaming, with over 37,000 m2 .The entire resort comprises 437,000 m2 of space. The casino has over 380 gaming tables including blackjack, craps, roulette, and poker. Foxwoods also has the most slot machines of any casino in the world, numbering over 7,200. There are several restaurants including a Hard Rock Cafe. Foxwoods has 1,416 hotel rooms and a two story arcade for children and teens.   The Mashantucket Pequot India

Birth Pains as Southern Sudan Preps for Nationhood

Birth Pains as Southern Sudan Preps for Nationhood

A Mosque at Ground Zero Equals Victory

A new mosque is now being planned in New York near "Ground Zero," two blocks from where the World Trade Center used to be. This mosque is headed by an Imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, founder of the Cordoba Initiative, who proposes to convert the now-shuttered Burlington Coat Factory on Park Place into an Islamic Cultural Center which would contain a mosque. It is crucial to study the supremacist ideology of Islam and to recognize, for example, that the building of a mosque especially at Ground Zero is viewed by Muslims as a decisive victory over the infidels in Islam's march to establish its ultimate goal: the submission of all others to Islam and to Sharia Law. On a daily bases, in so many parts of the world, deadly attacks are perpetrated by Jihadists either against non Muslims or, frequently, against Muslims -- especially Muslim women. The terror type of Jihad, however, is only one way for Islamists to accomplish their mission of making the "Kafir," or infidels, sub

United States and Sudan's referendum

        Here's part of the press conference of Mis. Hillary Clinton on the United States foreign policy regarding Sudan, on september 8, 2010; at council on foreign relation's , Washington DC.   MR. HAASS : So I’ll open it up and what I’ll ask is people to identify themselves, wait for a microphone, and please limit yourself to one question and be as short as you can. Sir, I don’t know your name, but just – pick up. QUESTION : How are you, Secretary Clinton? My name is Travis Atkins. I’m an International Affairs Fellow with the Council on Foreign Relations focusing on Sudan this year. And my question is if – you mentioned Darfur once in your talk – if you could elaborate a little bit on our ramped up efforts in Sudan as we head towards the referendum there in January. SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, thank you. Thanks for asking and thanks for your work on Sudan. We have a very difficult set of challenges in Sudan. Some of you in this audience, those of you who were in government

Women and the Catholic Priesthood

This question is frequently asked today and seems more urgent when, as other denominations have women ministers. There is also today there is a stronger sense that every opportunity should be available to everyone. The most immediate answer as to why the Church does not ordain to the priesthood is that the Church cannot do so. Sometimes we think today that our Church is free to do whatever she wants. But the fact is that the Church is bound to hand on what she has received. When Jesus established the priesthood he chose from all his many disciples (which included many prominent women) twelve men whom he named "Apostles." This call of the Apostles is the origin of the priesthood. Jesus called only men to this office. It is hard to argue, as some do, that Jesus had to comply with the norms of his day and thus had no real choice. The fact is that Jesus broke many conventions of his time and exhibited considerable freedom in interpreting the Law. He was more than willing to engag

Vatican Message to Muslims for Ramadan

Christians and Muslims:Together in overcoming violence among followers of different religions Dear Muslim Friends, 1. 'Id Al-Fitr, which concludes Ramadan, presents, once again, a favorable occasion to convey to you the heartfelt wishes of serenity and joy on behalf of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Throughout this month, you have committed yourselves to prayer, fasting, helping the neediest and strengthening relations of family and friendship. God will not fail to reward these efforts! 2. I am delighted to note that believers of other religions, especially Christians, are spiritually close to you during these days, as is testified by the various friendly meetings which often lead to exchanges of a religious nature. It is pleasing to me also to think that this Message could be a positive contribution to your reflections. 3. The theme proposed this year by the Pontifical Council, Christians and Muslims: Together in overcoming violence among followers of differ


SUDAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ CONFERNCE (SCBC) A future full of hope A MESSAGE OF HOPE AND A CALL TO ACTION Addressed to all the people of Sudan, the Sudanese leaders, and all people of good will The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord. (Luke 4:18-19) PREAMBLE We, the Catholic Bishops of Sudan, gathered in an Extraordinary Plenary Session in Juba from 15th-22nd July 2010, reflecting and praying together on the present situation in Sudan, greet you and present to you this message of hope and call to action. This is an historic moment. This is a moment of change. Sudan will never be the same again. After centuries of oppression and exploitation, after decades of war and violence which have marked and marred the lives of so many Sudanese in south and north with no respect for human