
Showing posts from August, 2010

Women and the Catholic Priesthood

This question is frequently asked today and seems more urgent when, as other denominations have women ministers. There is also today there is a stronger sense that every opportunity should be available to everyone. The most immediate answer as to why the Church does not ordain to the priesthood is that the Church cannot do so. Sometimes we think today that our Church is free to do whatever she wants. But the fact is that the Church is bound to hand on what she has received. When Jesus established the priesthood he chose from all his many disciples (which included many prominent women) twelve men whom he named "Apostles." This call of the Apostles is the origin of the priesthood. Jesus called only men to this office. It is hard to argue, as some do, that Jesus had to comply with the norms of his day and thus had no real choice. The fact is that Jesus broke many conventions of his time and exhibited considerable freedom in interpreting the Law. He was more than willing to engag

Vatican Message to Muslims for Ramadan

Christians and Muslims:Together in overcoming violence among followers of different religions Dear Muslim Friends, 1. 'Id Al-Fitr, which concludes Ramadan, presents, once again, a favorable occasion to convey to you the heartfelt wishes of serenity and joy on behalf of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Throughout this month, you have committed yourselves to prayer, fasting, helping the neediest and strengthening relations of family and friendship. God will not fail to reward these efforts! 2. I am delighted to note that believers of other religions, especially Christians, are spiritually close to you during these days, as is testified by the various friendly meetings which often lead to exchanges of a religious nature. It is pleasing to me also to think that this Message could be a positive contribution to your reflections. 3. The theme proposed this year by the Pontifical Council, Christians and Muslims: Together in overcoming violence among followers of differ


SUDAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ CONFERNCE (SCBC) A future full of hope A MESSAGE OF HOPE AND A CALL TO ACTION Addressed to all the people of Sudan, the Sudanese leaders, and all people of good will The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord. (Luke 4:18-19) PREAMBLE We, the Catholic Bishops of Sudan, gathered in an Extraordinary Plenary Session in Juba from 15th-22nd July 2010, reflecting and praying together on the present situation in Sudan, greet you and present to you this message of hope and call to action. This is an historic moment. This is a moment of change. Sudan will never be the same again. After centuries of oppression and exploitation, after decades of war and violence which have marked and marred the lives of so many Sudanese in south and north with no respect for human