
Showing posts from December, 2010

Christmas Cheer By Lucy Bandas

                                              Dear Reader, C hristmas is already here!So have some C hristmas cheer! We Wish You And All A Merry C hristmas And Happy New Year ! May God Bless You For The Rest Of Your Life!Brothers and Sisters we are gonna listen to something Glory!  Make Sure you listen to the version of the story! Their was a lady named Mary and a man named Joseph. They were looking for a place to stay they asked the man "Do you have any rooms left" Said Joseph.The man said "No" with anger.They went to this other place they asked "Do you have any rooms left"Said Joseph."No, But I have a dry and warm place for you" Said the man. After that  these men saw the biggest and the brightest "Star".They were called "The Three Kings". Finally Mary had her baby "He will be named Jesus The King of Kings and he will be our Savior said Mary!  Thank You for listening to our  " C hristmas Message"!    From:

Why should the Church invest in social media

       Social Media and Networks , like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter etc.., have a big "gee-whiz" factor. People are telling if the church don't get connected to this new media that its going to get left behind and miss out. But there has got to be a more compelling reason for a church, ministry to sign on to these social media applications than "everybody else is doing it." The questions we have to ask concerning organization is, "Why get on board and get involved with Social Media?" or How does social media improve the quality of ministry and help move the church's objectives forward? I believe the Goals and Objectives for Social Media are : 1. Communication 2. Connecting 3. Call to Action Let me break these down: 1. Communication - Social Media must help the church effectively and efficiently communicate it's message. Certainly Social Media isn't the only medium. A church can communicate to it's people on the Sunday mor

What Do You Want From Life?

m ore people have access to education today than ever before. but the modern educational experince is not preparing us adequately to attend the rich banguet of life. certainly the young people of today have mastered the use of technology and are capable of solving complex scientific and mathematical problems, but who and what do these serive if they cannot think for themselves?if they have no undertanding of the meaning and purpose of thier own lives? if they do not know who they are as individuals? if you don't know what you want from life, everythng will appear either as an obstacle or as a burden. but one of the great lessons of history is that the whole gets out of the way for people who know what they want or where they are going. be assured, if you don't know where you are going, you are lost. don't say, "Iam too old". Don't say, "I'm too young. Tiger Woods was three years old when he shot 48 for nine holes on his hometown golf course in Cyp