What Do You Want From Life?
more people have access to education today than ever before. but the modern educational experince is not preparing us adequately to attend the rich banguet of life. certainly the young people of today have mastered the use of technology and are capable of solving complex scientific and mathematical problems, but who and what do these serive if they cannot think for themselves?if they have no undertanding of the meaning and purpose of thier own lives? if they do not know who they are as individuals?
if you don't know what you want from life, everythng will appear either as an obstacle or as a burden. but one of the great lessons of history is that the whole gets out of the way for people who know what they want or where they are going. be assured, if you don't know where you are going, you are lost. don't say, "Iam too old". Don't say, "I'm too young.
Tiger Woods was three years old when he shot 48 for nine holes on his hometown golf course in Cypress, California.
Bill Gates was ninteen years old when he cofounded microsoft
Nelson Mandela was seventy one years old when he was released from a South African prison. four years later he was elected president of South Africa.
Mother Trezsa was forty years old when she founded the missionaries of charity
whether you are sixteen or sixty , the rest of your life is a head of you . you can not change one moment of your past, but you can change your whole future. now is your time
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